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09-07-2014 21:06
There was several! ive deleted them & their posts.

09-07-2014 16:05
Spammer on new website?

04-07-2014 16:13
Meh, it's Kay, just me and zess exploring Pfft much paintings, so art.

04-07-2014 10:40
Sorry I requested the time off two months ago and they only told me I couldn't have it 2 weeks ago

03-07-2014 06:28
anywhere we should meet in Amsterdam if anyone's coming?

02-07-2014 22:25
So... whos actually comming, or will it just be me and zess exploring Amsterdam?

02-07-2014 13:01
Silly Chris... who made you think, you had a choise? Pfft

01-07-2014 09:26
Yeah afraid I can't make guild meet turns out I can't have that time off sadly...

28-06-2014 10:07
Soon Guild meeting Smile .... going to be fun XD

19-06-2014 18:43
We have moved, for those too lazy to venture into the actual forum Wink

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OS 25man 1D
· mellony on March 16 2009

#1 | mektheb on March 16 2009 21:09:22
First Try , First Kill

Gj next 2D
#2 | spook on March 16 2009 21:52:09
GJ ppl <3
#3 | Pesmerga on March 16 2009 22:24:23
Rawr. Good to be back in the lead for a raid. ^_~
#4 | Jezza on March 17 2009 01:08:21
ye nice to 1 shot it

now gief 2 drakes Grin
#5 | Glacier on March 17 2009 08:34:46
I'm not in the picture Sad

GJ all <3
#6 | Capinurass on March 17 2009 12:36:48
Good going everyone! Really well done especially 1st try and its down!! Now for 2 drakes... Shock

Kath you are in the picture, your stood next to Massie Thumbs Up
#7 | Pesmerga on March 17 2009 23:45:40
Think our photographer (Mek) was drunk. Taken from one side with Brum the wasp huge. Do like the generals at the back mounted. XD
#8 | mektheb on March 18 2009 05:42:36
Everybody knows Side shots own front shots, nab Smile

General's pfffff more like the dweebs on a horse lol Grin naah gj Grin
#9 | Thunderflash on March 18 2009 12:16:12
nice pic Pfft
lets get one with the 2 dragon and 3 dragon achivement to Pfft
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