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09-07-2014 21:06
There was several! ive deleted them & their posts.

09-07-2014 16:05
Spammer on new website?

04-07-2014 16:13
Meh, it's Kay, just me and zess exploring Pfft much paintings, so art.

04-07-2014 10:40
Sorry I requested the time off two months ago and they only told me I couldn't have it 2 weeks ago

03-07-2014 06:28
anywhere we should meet in Amsterdam if anyone's coming?

02-07-2014 22:25
So... whos actually comming, or will it just be me and zess exploring Amsterdam?

02-07-2014 13:01
Silly Chris... who made you think, you had a choise? Pfft

01-07-2014 09:26
Yeah afraid I can't make guild meet turns out I can't have that time off sadly...

28-06-2014 10:07
Soon Guild meeting Smile .... going to be fun XD

19-06-2014 18:43
We have moved, for those too lazy to venture into the actual forum Wink

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Progress - Cata & Wrath
Dragon Soul 10HC
Morchok | Yor'sahj the Unsleeping | Hagara the Unbinding | Ultraxion

Dragon Soul 10n
Morchok | Warlord Zon'ozz | Yor'sahj the Unsleeping | Hagara the Unbinding | Ultraxion | Warmaster Blackhorn | Spine of Deathwing | Madness of Deathwing

Firelands 10HC
Shannox | Lord Ryolith

Firelands 10
Shannox | | Beth'telac | Alysrazor | Lord Ryolith | Baelroc | Majordomo Staghelm | Ragnaros

Blackwing Descent 10
Magmaw | Omnitron Defence Council | Maloriak | Atramedes | Chimaeron | Nefarian

Bastion of Twilight 10
Halfus (Slate, Nether, Whelps; Nether,Warden,Storm; Slate, Nether, Storm) | Valiona and Theralion

Throne of Four Winds 10
Conclave of Winds


Green - On Farm (Downed 3+ Times).
Orange - Downed.
Red - Attempted.
Grey - Completed with out-of-guild assistance.
Edited by Stygiax on 13-02-2013 20:13
Archive - WOTLK
Naxxramas 10
Anub'Rekhan | Grand Widow Faerlina | Maexxna | Noth the Plaguebringer | Heigan the Unclean | Loatheb | Instructor Razuvious | Gothik the Harvester | The Four Horsemen | Patchwerk | Grobbulus | Gluth | Thaddius | Sapphiron | Kel'Thuzad

Naxxramas 25
Anub'Rekhan | Grand Widow Faerlina | Maexxna | Noth the Plaguebringer | Heigan the Unclean | Loatheb | Instructor Razuvious | Gothik the Harvester | The Four Horsemen | Patchwerk | Grobbulus | Gluth | Thaddius | Sapphiron | Kel'Thuzad

Vault of Archavon 10
Archavon the Stone Watcher | Emalon the Storm Watcher | Koralon the Flame Watcher

Vault of Archavon 25
Archavon the Stone Watcher | Emalon the Storm Watcher | Koralon the Flame Watcher

Obsidian Sanctum 10
Sartharion | Sartharion +1D (Tenebron)

Obsidian Sanctum 25
Sartharion | Sartharion +1D (Tenebron)

Eye of Eternity 10

Eye of Eternity 25

Ulduar 10
Flame Leviathan (1 Tower, 2 Towers, 4 Towers - Hard Mode) | Ignis the Furnace Master | Razorscale | XT-002 Deconstructor (Hard Mode) | The Assembly of Iron (Stormcaller Brundir, Runemaster Molgeim) | Kologarn | Auriaya | Hodir | Thorim | Freya | Mimiron | General Vezax | Yogg-Saron

Ulduar 25
Flame Leviathan | Razorscale | Ignis the Furnace Master | XT-002 Deconstructor | Kologarn | Auriaya

Trial of the Crusader 10
Beasts of Northrend | Lord Jaraxxus | Horde Champions | Twin Val'kyr | Anub'arak

Trial of the Grand Crusader 10
Beasts of Northrend

Trial of the Crusader 25
Beasts of Northrend

Icecrown Citadel 10
Lord Marrowgar | Lady Deathwhisper | Gunship Battle | Deathbringer Saurfang | Festergut | Rotface | Professor Putricide | Blood Princes | Blood Queen Lanathel | Valithria Dreamwalker | Sindragosa | The Lich King


Green - On Farm (Downed 3+ Times).
Orange - Downed.
Red - Attempted.
Grey - Completed with out-of-guild assistance.[/quote]
Cough needs serious updating
Nō aru taka wa tsume wo kakusu
on lap top at the mo so only have 2 mins, but once i get upstairs this evening i will update this section XD
GJ guys!!
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